Moraine Surprise Proposal

When Dinshaw messaged me with his plan to propose to Adriane during our Moraine Lake session I was SO ready to be as smooth and chill as possible {but secretly squeeling with excitement of course!} The backdrop of Moraine Lake for a proposal CANNOT be matched. I mean, look at it. Just perfection!

Have a few booked in this week for going back, and I’m ready for it. Miss this place oh so much! <3

Enjoy this magical session! <3

And the best part about booking me for a surprise proposal… You get an engagement photo session right after! So we adventured more around the beautiful Moraine. And my favourite part because they’re extra cuddly and smiley after that epic moment!

Thank you Adriane and Dinshaw for trusting me to capture your love. And also thank you for going barefoot in the hypothermic water for photos lol. You guys have such trust!!