How are you already three, my baby. This year has been the fastest and to see you turn into a little boy has been such a treat. You started the year out in one of the hardest times for us as parents, seeing you go through the healing process was hard to see. But it showed us how truly strong you are.
From that point on, you didn’t stop blowing us away. Your vocabulary and understanding of this big world is beautiful - Daddy is right, you are our bright eyed boy. Thank you for bringing so much love and joy into our lives, you are our first gift from God and we thank him everyday for you.

Happy Birthday Bubbaloo - You are THREEEEE!!!

January 17th 2019, I will never forget that day. Less than two weeks after your birthday and we were dealing with such a difficult situation. Making a large batch of hot soup, you hugging my leg as I stirred. And then in a split second the situation flipped. Pouring over your little body, screaming for Sam, daddy holding you in the cold shower waiting for the paramedics to come, I was a wreck. I never had the mom guilt feeling so hard until that point. Thinking I scarred your whole body and that you wouldn’t recover. The recovery felt long, but for you it was quick. You were back at home running around in no time - not noticing the bandages <3

I told you that you were the strongest boy we ever did meet. This proved it.

We never prayed so much in our life and God healed you. He healed you quicker than we thought - with only a small scar remaining on your arm today to remind you of how brave you are.

Your dad has the biggest heart, and I know you got that from him.
He manages to find the light in dark times and for this, he wanted to help. Alberta Children’s Hospital did SO much for our family. We only had followups over the 9 month period, but to know families that have kids who need to stay overnight for months on end, who call it their temporary home, families who have appointments and followups every year .. I just can’t imagine.
He helped raise $1,200 for the Children’s hospital 3 months after our experience, and dyed his hair white for those who supported the cause. And I must say, I was really digging my 70 year old looking husband - he rocks all the looks.

I suck at bringing my camera out on our adventures, but when I do, you are the best subject.

This summer we managed to squeeze in three camping trips with family and friends amidst my busiest wedding season. It was the first time we used our reno camper and I loved watching you sleep after indulging in smores + smokies!
It was so worth it to see you in the outdoors exploring and having fun with the people who love you!

You are so beautiful Saunder Levi. I could photograph you forever. And I will.

Finally squeezing in some photos of the whole family {before your brother arrived}. Self timers are the best invention ever I’d say.

We made sure to stay as busy as possible while I was growing the belly. Family adventures to the rescue!

You fell in love with him before you met him.

You are the best big brother we could have hoped for..

And the best big cousin for all the other boys xo Christmas was a blast with you.

Happy Birthday Bright Eyed Boy xo LOVE YOU OH SO MUCH!!

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